4.5.1 - by CaTz (23/11/2016) - Fix fetching IMDB id - by TheWiz - Fetch list item data for external search - by burekas7 4.5.0 - by burekas7 (03/11/2016) - Add the option for using the addon when kodi isn't playing 4.4.5 - by CaTz (22/10/2016) - Mirroring subs to the-wiz server 4.4.4 - by CaTz (21/10/2016) - Fix hebrew pattern matching - Update icons 4.4.3 - by CaTz (21/08/2016) - Add the ability to check credentials from the settings - Added Hebrew translations 4.4.2 - by CaTz (14/05/2016) - Fix search strings matching improvement 4.4.1 - by CaTz (14/05/2016) - Improve search string matching 4.4.0 - by CaTz (22/01/2016) - Change addon name to Ktuvit.com - Fix url changes 4.3.8 - by CaTz (22/12/2015) - Fix cache collisions issues 4.3.7 - by CaTz (19/12/2015) - Fix parsing & hebrew issues 4.3.6 - by maortal 19/11/2015 - Hotfix parse_rls_title function 4.3.5 - by CaTz (11/11/2015) - Optimize file release parsing 4.3.4 - by CaTz (08/08/2015) - Fix manual search in TvShows 4.3.3 - by CaTz (11/07/2015) - Bug fix, Handle titles that contains "." properly. 4.3.2 - by CaTz 11/01/2015 - changed URL from hebsubs.com-> ktuvit.com 4.3.1 - by maortal 02/01/2015 - changed URL from subtitle.co.il -> hebsubs.com 4.3.0 - by CaTz 08/11/2014 - Bug fix, add slash or backslash at the end of path (fix xbmcvfs.exists in Helix) - Add support for preferred language in Helix 4.2.3 - by CaTz 12/08/2014 - Removes country identifier at the end of the title 4.2.2 - by CaTz 18/05/2014 - Bug fix with manual search 4.2.1 - by CaTz 16/05/2014 - Improvement of RLS title parsing 4.2.0 - by maortal 14/05/2014 - Performance boost replaced decode with unicode method (should be replaced again if XBMC moves to python3) - Fix android issues with re.sub (duo to usage of python 2.6) 4.1.9 - by CaTz 11/05/2014 - Advanced Movie Title / TV-show parsing (includes release) 4.1.8 - by CaTz 09/05/2014 - Support hebrew search 4.1.7 - by CaTz 07/05/2014 - Bug fix, url decode the manual search string - Added feature, parse RLS names of the tv shows and movies 4.1.6 - By CaTz 28/03/2014 - Bug fix, refresh cookie on ajax call 4.1.5 - By CaTz 23/03/2014 - Bug fix, handle HTML entities in the content show of the website 4.1.4 - by sagiben 14/03/2014 - Remove msvc9compiler import to support non Windows OS - Change python version for Gotham 4.1.3 - by CaTz 17/02/2014 - Bug fix, usage the year if there is no year value 4.1.2 - by CaTz 14/02/2104 - Organization of the settings 4.1.1 - by CaTz 07/02/2014 - Fix cache related bugs: Prevent caching empty lists If season doesnt appears in cached list, remove it and try again If episode doesnt appears in cached list, remove it and try again - Ability to clear the addon`s local cache from the settings 4.1.0 - by CaTz 07/02/2014 - cache tv shows ids for future use. (make the lookup much faster) 4.0.0 - by CaTz 06/02/2014 - Redesign the code to work as OOP - Fix the rating stars (now shows num of downloads from the website) - Calculate the sync rating with folder name or file name (the longest is more valuable) - Sort the subtitle list by Language -> is sync -> rating - Optimized site lookup by category (+ for movies added years field) - Filter search result with year (if exists) - Save cookie jar for future use (prevent the repeated calls to login) 3.0.4 - by CaTz 29/01/2014 - Get ajax urls instead of load the whole file (saves KB) 3.0.3 - by thisisbbln 12/08/2013 - Added email & password settings. 3.0.2 - by thisisbbln 12/08/2013 - Added free user & password. 3.0.1 - Bug fix 3.0.0 - by Maor Tal 17/03/2013 - Added rating algorithem that will try to match correct subtitle release to filename - Sorted results list by rating - subtitle with rating>8 will have SYNC icon and ability to auto download 2.3.1 - Stripped (year) from tvshow 2.3.0 - by MeatHook - Added User Agent to getURL, fixed string related bugs and patterns 2.2.0 - Changed url to subtitle.co.il 2.1.0 - Changed RE patterns again due to layout change (Thanks BBLN for also suggesting different fix). 2.0.0 - Changed RE patterns and links to match new site layout (Thanks Shai Bentin!) - Fixed TV show subtitles (now navigates site to find requested episode) 1.2.0 - Better handling of search timeout (no results returned instead of error) 1.1.0 - Fixed bug with movie search: forgot to replace spaces with + signs.