v2016.1.8 - Bumped kodi python version v2015.11.12 - Bug fix v2015.10.21 - Get all feeds from event v2015.10.2 - Added play best stream automatically setting - Changed code to accommodate for 1 or more streams per event for both live and archive - Added description to stream info v2015.9.22 - Removed Search Archive - Search now has the ability to list events, accounts and videos separately - When selecting an account videos are separated into Upcoming and Past events v2015.9.21 - Fix for live & archive search errors v2015.8.13 - Added Search Archive Feature - Label videos as episodes and gave them air dates where applicable - Imporved stream fetching ability v2015.6.30 - Made titles more descriptive - Alphabetic sorting (Live files first, then upcoming) - Disabled caching of listings v2015.6.26 - Added search ability v0.0.1 - Initial version