[B]0.1.3[/B] - Fixed bug in recommended episodes. [B]0.1.2[/B] - Added Music Videos. - Added IMDB Number as property (imdbnumer) [B]0.1.1[/B] - Fixed playing albums. [B]0.1.0[/B] - Fix refreshing bug where things were being cached forever without updating - thx SumnerH - Added option to hide specials from episode views - thx Razzeee - Added duration fallback for cases where the streamInfo can't be read - thx Razzeee - Fix for wrong loop handling - thx Razzeee - Cleanup, added some missing checks - thx phil65 - Additional check for lib stats - thx phil65 [B]0.0.9[/B] - Fix error when no tvshow library present. - Fix playlist statistics when playlist are used that have been added by favourites. [B]0.0.8[/B] - Add favorite episodes - thx SumnerH. [B]0.0.7[/B] - Add support to return multiple types in single list [B]0.0.6[/B] - Add support for video playlist count. [B]0.0.5[/B] - Add recent videos option. - Add writer and cast to video list items. - Add limit parameter to plugin element.