[B]Version 2.0.0[/B] 2015-02-20 - Added video of the day item - Added Videos being watched right now item - Removed set_content call - Removed download support - Removed unneeded set_sort_methods - Removed xbmcutil.cleanup try finally catch - Change to return a generator instead of a list - Changed settings.xml to use new methods for setting view mode - Some small method renames [B]Version 1.0.4[/B] 2014-06-30 - Update Strings to strings.po - Added UnitTests - And a lot more small improvements [B]Version 1.0.3[/B] - Changed the Video Context menu to not replace items - Fixed bug with non english language sometimes crashing the addon - Changed random play to continuously play the next random video (Party Mode) - General unicode fixes [B]Version 1.0.2[/B] - Fixed next page now showing bug. Unicode mistake - Small Change to prepare for Unit Tests [B]Version 1.0.1[/B] - Fixed artist needing to be a list of artists in Gotham - Changed Addon to show under Music Addons as well as Video Addons - Added Ability to save searches - Added full unicode support [B]Version 1.0.0[/B] - Initial Version