version 2.2.1
 * Fixed issue where subtitles did not work (thanks to Mikel)

version 2.2.0
 * Added regular Tagesschau to "Latest Broadcasts"

version 2.1.1
 * Fixed handling to 'Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden' streams

version 2.1.0
 * Added subtitle support
 * Added HD streams

version 2.0.3
 * Fixed: RTSP stream no longer available

version 2.0.1
 * Fixed: InfoLabels were not correctly casted to str/unicode
 * Renamed the plugin to "Tagesschau" again (instead of "tagesschau")

version 2.0.0
 * Content is now retrieved via the JSON API of
 * Added fanart
 * Added more categories: dossiers, livestream, archive, current

version 1.3.2
 * Fixed default settings

version 1.3.1
 * Added language tag

version 1.3.0
 * Added a "preferred quality" setting
 * Added "tagesWEBschau" podcast
 * Added descriptions to the videos

version 1.2.0
 * release for eden-pre

version 0.2.0
 * this release fixes the broken scraper
 * using rss-feeds again (high quality version now available)
 * Added support for many many many other media on

version 0.1.4
 * added support for 'tagesthemen' (thanks to Max)

version 0.1.3:
 * fixed bug (html on changed slightly)

version 0.1.2:
 * added encoding to python-file (thanks to Anssi)
 * using high-quality video sources now 

version 0.1.1:
 * added icon.png (thanks to freezy)
 * cosmetic changes (thanks to Arne)

version 0.1.0:
 * initial version
 * includes only most recent Tagesschau, Tagesschau in 100 Sekunden
   in low quality (fetched from podcast-RSS-feed of